Friday, 17 May 2013

Earnings for the first 2 weeks of May

Here are my earnings for the first 2 weeks of May. I got super busy so haven't been able to keep up with this little log sadly. I have updated my income for the last month on my total earnings page but I will try to keep updating this blog when I can.

Fiverr is going super well at the moment with my backlinking and proofreading jobs, so far for the month of May I have had 25 orders which has earned me $100, not bad for a part time pit of work on the side.

Hubpages is sadly falling by the wayside at the moment as I simply don't have time to write anything of my own but in all honesty it is still a nice little side earner. I haven't written anything in around 10 weeks sadly but the money continues to tick over. For the first 2 weeks in May I earned $11, not great but I have earned over $30 for the last 3 months in a row, not bad for not having written any new work really.

Squidoo is a total bust at the moment as well. I only have 3 earning lenses at this point in time so I am earning pennies a month. But if I ever find some time to work on some more articles I am sure I can get this up to a similar standard as my Hubpages, without having to have as many articles as I have on Hubpages. I have 2 accounts FancyThatUK and FancyThatUSA one promotes UK items and the other USA items.

My sales for this month so far only sit a £1.15, so I have £22.96 so far in the account - almost enough to actually make a payout! Yay! But no sales on my this month sadly, I have $25 exactly in the account so far and but need $100 before I can get a payout as I am in the UK! Hmmm so still a while off!

Adsense is a little all over the place at the moment as one minute there have been clicks and I have made money then the next day it's not there, very confusing! If it stays on track, this is set to be my best month to date with over £7 currently sitting in the account, but we shall have to wait and see what happens.

On the new site I have been looking into, Slicethepie, it actually seems like a pretty simple and legit way to make a little extra income on the side. I sat down for two 20 min stints and did a handful of quick reviews and made $2.69 - so I am not gonna get rich quick and this cant replace my day job or anything but to listen to a few bits of music and type a 250 word (ish) review it's pretty simple and I could easily do the odd few everyday and see this mounting up rather quickly. So for anyone who likes music and can string a few sentences together then Slice The Pie is a reasonable way to make an easy $10-$20 with just a little bit of work each week.

Tuesday, 7 May 2013

Back for May

I have literally been so busy working on my Fiverr gigs that I haven't had any time to keep a diary record on here, write any new blog posts on my craft or film blogs or write any articles for Squidoo or Hubpages! Which I feel really bad about but I had 92 orders over a 7 week period so it kept me super busy! But I have now updated my earnings tab on here so you can see how I did for the months of March and April. 

I made a great £320 in March, thanks to a few really large gigs and a few sponsored blog posts on my Daisy Dayz blog. Then April was less but still pretty decent overall with £108. I shall hopefully be able to start keeping a bit of a better record this month, but we shall see. I have joined a few new affiliate programmes although I have been having very little luck with any of them except the amazon for the last few months, but they are worth a go. 

I have also joined a site called Slice the Pie, which I heard of a while ago but had been told it was only for the US but it seems to be open to UK now. I will try it for a few weeks and see how it goes. You more or less get paid to listen to music tracks by unsigned bands and review them. Sounds decent although the pay is only a few cents a time, but it could easily be done in short little bursts every now and again and would probably add up quickly.

So that was just a quick update and I will add a proper post for the first week soon!